It’s time to think about the future of these Hong Kong streets creatively
By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law
Hong Kong’s heritage has been fading and one of the clearest signs is the disappearance of iconic small street stalls. Once bustling hubs of entrepreneurial energy, many of these micro-stalls are now shuttered, sitting in limbo, waiting for an uncertain fate.
The unique ladder-style streets of Central, for decades vibrant with street activity, have been overrun by development, leaving behind only memories of thriving communities of small business owners. A cluster between Wellington Street and Queen’s Road West stands as but one stark reminder of what’s been lost.
Has the cancellation of licenses as people died caused this, is non-transferability of operating rights an issue or has a sense of defeat in the face of fierce retail competition just made people give up? Whatever the cause, it’s time for a serious conversation about preserving, expanding and regenerating this commercial engine from Hong Kong’s quirky cultural heritage.
What if we conducted a full audit of these side streets, identifying opportunities for reinvigoration and then got about firing them back into action?
Short-term, low-cost grants to operate for young (and old) entrepreneurs, creatives and craftsmen could breathe new life into these forgotten and unused spaces. In a city where retail space is an expensive luxury and opportunities to “start-up” in a small way face huge hurdles; these narrow alleyways could become the next hotbed for grassroots innovation and economic growth … a cheap springboard.
It’s time to think about the future of these streets creatively. Let’s get them back into action and do some social good with them; before they’re all gone.
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