Are you having coffee in a flower shop, or buying flowers in a coffee shop : I’m confused.

By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law

Are you having coffee in a flower shop or buying flowers in a coffee shop

In food & beverage, it’s said people aren’t just buying the product; they’re buying the environment. Nothing highlights this better than Pacific Place, Hong Kong, that has just introduced : yet another coffee outlet.

Right opposite the Lane Crawford flower shop; the aroma of fresh flowers (yes it’s another flower seller) meets freshly brewed coffee (it’s a coffee shop) making for a confusing sensory experience that goes beyond the cup.

I guess selling coffee alone isn’t enough anymore.

As the number of coffee spots with designer twists and unique concepts grows, it’s fascinating to watch global coffee trends skyrocket. The global coffee market is expected to reach $155.64 billion by 2026, with consumption showing no signs of slowing down; are we heading toward a world where coffee itself is harder to come by?

With coffee culture getting more innovative and competitive, it’s anyone’s guess what could possibly stop this surging trend and the extent of combinations to come.

Whoever finds the best or most traction generation combination will be onto a huge winner “coffee & cosmetics” anyone ?

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