You've got to be in it to win it—and that means more than just unlocking your front door.
By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law
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Your digital doorway must be wide open to the world and open for more hours.
You need to be ready to serve a much larger catchment area and to engage with customers way beyond the foot traffic right outside. The rise of digital-first brands and the massive shift towards delivery means you’ve now got to be where your customers are and be there for them where and when they want – that’s not just a physical location.
People are now even questioning if opening a brick-and-mortar restaurant makes sense anymore in Hong Kong – yes it does – but only if you are online as well as part of an integrated strategy.
So if you have a killer product and you can deliver it directly to customers at scale, why limit yourself at all? If you’re not online, you’re not going to be top of mind—and that means you’re not meeting demand; so others will and you will probably fail.
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