Why should you know 17 yr old Daniel YIP Hon-man? Because he just did an amazing thing ... for Hong Kong!

By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law

Hong Kong winning and making an impression has to be applauded, and the spectacular win by our junior cycling road race champion in the Asian Cycling Championships was nothing short of heroic.

After spending many kilometres—grinding it out in a breakaway, taking his fair share of the heavy lifting by rotating through, and pulling into the wind, he made a decision that defined the moment.

He threw down the gauntlet with a gutsy, self-assured, long-range sprint to the finish line. With pure professionalism beyond his years, he boldly broke away, opened up a gap, and left his final two breakaway partners in the dust.

Watch from 14:07 his timing and execution were perfect.


This is the kind of move we see at the very top level of professional racing. This is what winning looks like. This is what Hong Kong has done for years … dug in and left our competition in the dust.

Don’t ever tell me people from Hong Kong haven’t got it in them. This young man is proof of exactly that. Sure we need more winners, in sports, the arts, business and the professions and when they show up having put in the hard yards, miles or years : we need to celebrate them and I do—so well done Daniel; that was inspirational stuff.

If you need specific input regarding a strategic Hong Kong challenge or related legal matters in the HKSAR, you can always DM me and check out my profile at https://www.ajhalkes.com.

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