Is your wearable a lie detector or something that might just save your life?

By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law

Is your wearable a lie detector or something that might just save your life
The metrics measured by traditional lie detector machines are respiration, perspiration, heart rate and blood pressure. Traditionally at least, these metrics are based on the idea that if somebody is not behaving in accordance with a baseline set of measurements, heart rate will fluctuate, they may perspire a little more and they may breathe differently etc.

Unlocking the Potential:

Apple just released a Patent application for measuring perspiration rates, and wearables already measure heart rate and respiratory rates by the minute. Is it a reach to think that one could combine these functions to establish whether or not a person was perhaps, telling the truth?

Of course not, I’m being flippant here as to whether or not lie detection using these devices is anything close to realistic; traditional lie detector use itself may be unreliable if not pseudoscientific.

Navigating Ethical Waters:

But ..   Imagine if somebody hacked the data from a wearable device, after they had been interacting with an individual and were able to see that various points in a conversation or a meeting, key metrics changed. What then?  Or perhaps prior to a negotiation or interrogation parties were demanded to put on wearables so data may be analysed later referring to the timeline of discussions; is this too big a reach to imagine?

Beyond Lie Detection:

The ability to track subtle changes in health metrics could herald a new era of proactive wellness management.

All data provides insight; and to me a degree of wonderment, as it can herald in advance that you are tired, about to become ill or are rundown. This may be because your heart rate variability is measurably but so delicately balanced that you would not even be aware of changes in it; or that your resting heart rate has gone up a few bpm as your body fights a virus etc.

Wearables will see people being able to prevent themselves falling ill or increasingly see them be less rundown. This could result in less lost work days in the workplace by some sort of pre-emptive rest and/or medication. Imagine the concept of “pre-sick-leave” : a day off early based on data that helps prevent a week off later; that would be a great idea. Or just a reminder to sleep more or sleep better?

.. Will your new wearable, your Apple Watch, Garmin, whoop or whatever become a new lie detector?  Of course not !

More likely …. a wearable will make you more effective at work and play and allow you to become more efficient … it might even save or prolong your life.

#WearableTechnology #HealthMonitoring #LieDetection #EthicalTech #PreventiveCare #ProductivityBoost #WellnessManagement #PrivacyConcerns #HealthMetrics #DataInsights #ApplePatent #WorkplaceWellness #EfficiencyBoost #LifeExtension
