Is the chance to acquire the iconic property used by Insomnia in the heart of Hong Kong a hidden gem or a poisoned chalice?
By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law
This question takes me back to a deal I was involved in. The buyer was told by a middleman that the vendor’s asking price was still too high. His advice? Shut negotiations down, walk away. But my client stood firm, insisting, “Keep the door open—I’ll buy anything; it just depends on the price.”
Now, following up on my earlier post about Insomnia in Lan Kwai Fong, it seems there’s an opportunity to snag the site. But here’s the big question: Could anyone successfully launch a dynamic, thriving music venue (or another business) in today’s economy, at that location?
Of course they could.
It all depends on the price.
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