26 February 2025

Who Gets the Most Gushing Praise And Why Is It So Rare

Who Gets the Most “Gushing Praise”— And Why Is It So Rare?

Who Gets the Most “Gushing Praise”—And Why Is It So Rare? By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law Reading about Qatar Airways receiving “the most gushing praise” got me thinking—when was the last time I felt that way about a retail or consumer experience? One place immediately came to mind: Momotaro Jeans in Tokyo. (https://momotaro-jeans.com ) […]

Who Gets the Most “Gushing Praise”— And Why Is It So Rare? Read More »

Mister Softee is dead Hong Kong’s mobile ice cream king made it to 98. Let’s have more like Mr. Ho

“Mister Softee” is dead – Hong Kong’s mobile ice cream king made it to 98. Let’s have more like Mr. Ho!

“Mister Softee” is dead—Hong Kong’s mobile ice cream king made it to 98. Let’s have more like Mr. Ho! By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law Back in 1970, Mr. Ho King Yuen launched Hong Kong’s iconic mobile ice cream vans; he reportedly passed recently. His business became a beloved part of Hong Kong’s streetscape. Yet,

“Mister Softee” is dead – Hong Kong’s mobile ice cream king made it to 98. Let’s have more like Mr. Ho! Read More »

It was never a good idea The HK Taxi app by Uber is officially dead

It was never a good idea—so why not kill it? The HK Taxi app by Uber is officially dead!

It was never a good idea—so why not kill it? The HK Taxi app by Uber is officially dead. By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law The headlines about Uber shutting down the HKTaxi app are long overdue. I never quite understood how Uber planned to maximize the acquisition of a taxi-related app in 2021. It

It was never a good idea—so why not kill it? The HK Taxi app by Uber is officially dead! Read More »

Imagine if HK could capture the magic of London's Clerkenwell

Imagine if Hong Kong could capture the magic of London’s Clerkenwell back-in-the-day. Could this be the start?

Imagine if Hong Kong could capture the magic of London’s Clerkenwell back-in-the-day—could this be the start? By HK Lawyer AJ Halkes Barrister-at-Law Of course, we’re a bit short of quirky old semi-industrial buildings or vibrant areas bustling with reinvigoration like London has enjoyed; however, let’s see what happens at 181 Restaurant, K11 Musea as HK Fortnum &

Imagine if Hong Kong could capture the magic of London’s Clerkenwell back-in-the-day. Could this be the start? Read More »
